Friday, December 2, 2011

You have struck the women, you have struck a rock...

Today, the Rural Women's Movement turned up en masse at Speaker's Corner opposite the UN precinct in Durban, South Africa, where COP17 is being held. They are concerned about the very real impact of climate change which is already affecting their smallholder and subsistence farms.
Dancing, singing and speeches in one spot were not enough for them, so they set off on an impromptu march. Then the men and women of the One Million Climate Jobs campaign arrived in their gorgeous red T-shirts, and off we went! (Contrary to appearances, the police were quite calm, just concerned to contain the march within certain streets and not let it spread.)
Thirsty work protesting, so the Occupy people offered returning marchers water. (It's great exercise, too: one zaftig young woman yelled to me, "After tomorrow's march, I will wear a size 36!")

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